Sunday, May 4, 2014

Learning Autobiography Samples

I apologize for the shaky camera in these...

2012-2013 Learning Autobiographies:

2007-2009 Learning Autobiographies:

Orientation Kernels

It was energizing to see you all crafting such thoughtful six-word memoirs for each other.  Here is a sampling.

Six-word Memoir Resources

Here is the Haiku Deck I shared with you at orientation. You might also find it interesting to peruse a handful of six-word pieces Rebecca's students penned in response to their reading.

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app

Friday, May 2, 2014


This blog will be the repository for all the ideas, resources, happenings, musings, inspirations, and information that need to be shared amongst us.  Each of you will get to post and even if you are a rookie blogger, this is a great, low-pressure way to be initiated into the blogosphere.  Don't worry if this feels overwhelming; we are here to help and happy to answer all your tech questions. 

For a directional screencast on how to post on the blog, follow this link.

Brigid and Rebecca